FACEM - provenience studies on pottery in the central mediterranean


fabric descriptionobject dataarchaeometry
fabric type PAE-A-3
ware Transport Amphorae
supposed site of production Velia
certainty of arguments archaeometric: quite certain
visual excamination of fresh break yellowish red, granular; white and light gray inclusions
colour of freshly broken section (munsell) 5YR5/8
texture of freshly broken surface granular
hardness hard
porosity 7.5%; void form: chambers; void length: 0,08-1
inclusions 10%, length: 0,4-1,2
sorting unsorted


quartz riddled with, rounded, subelongate, clear, 0.4-0,8
reddish inclusions infrequent, rounded, subelongate, red, 1.2
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