FACEM - provenience studies on pottery in the central mediterranean


fabric descriptionobject dataarchaeometry
fabric type SAL-REG-C-1
ware Coarse Wares
supposed site of production Salerno region
visual excamination of fresh break brown to gray, irregular fracture, some fine white and dark inclusions, few large gray inclusions
colour of freshly broken section (munsell) 7.5YR 5/3 - 7.5YR 5/1
texture of freshly broken surface irregular
hardness hard
porosity 7.5%; void form: channel; vughy; void length: 0.075-1.25
inclusions 20%, length: 0.025-1
sorting moderately sorted sand


quartz infrequent, angular, spherical - subspherical, clear; white, 0.075-0.5
mica frequent, angular, spherical; very elongate, white; dark, 0.025-0.12
calciumcarbonate infrequent, rounded, subspherical, white, 0.075-0.5
carbonate pseudomorphoses infrequent, well rounded, spherical, white, 0.5
reddish inclusions frequent, rounded, spherical - subspherical, rust coloured, 0.2-1
black inclusions frequent, angular, spherical - subelongate, black, 0.05-0.25
brown inclusions infrequent, very angular, subspherical, brown, glassy, 0.2-0.25
more inclusions1 frequent, very angular, spherical - subspherical, clear, 0.25-1
more inclusions2 singular, very angular, spherical, green, glassy, 0.3
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