FACEM - provenience studies on pottery in the central mediterranean


fabric descriptionobject dataarchaeometry
fabric type PAN-SOL-A-1
ware Transport Amphorae
supposed site of production Palermo/Panormos-Solunto/Solus
certainty of arguments archaeological: quite certain
visual excamination of fresh break Strong brown clay, fine, with few visible inclusions of medium size of black and whitish colour and of big size of yellowish colour
colour of freshly broken section (munsell) 7.5 YR 5/6-8
texture of freshly broken surface fine
hardness hard
porosity void form: vughy; void length: 0.04-0.20
inclusions length: 0.03-04-0.44
sorting unsorted


quartz frequent, well rounded; rounded; subrounded, spherical; subelongate, Greyish/transparent, 0.04-0.44
mica frequent, very angular; angular, elongate, shiny, 0.04-08
calciumcarbonate frequent, subrounded, spherical; subspherical, white, 0.04-0.44
black iron oxide concretions infrequent, rounded; subrounded, subelongate; subspherical, black/reddish, 0.06-0.32
more inclusions2 sporadic, subrounded, subspherical, white/transparent, 0.40
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