| | fabric description | | object data | | archaeometry | | |
fabric type |
fabric previously published as |
Impasto 5, close to |
ware |
Transport Amphorae |
supposed site of production |
Calabria |
certainty of arguments |
archaeological: quite certain |
visual excamination of fresh break |
colour pale brown, texture fine and compact, numerous fine to infrequent large inclusions: grey, white, red, mica, voids |
colour of freshly broken section (munsell) |
pink 5 YR 7/4 |
texture of freshly broken surface |
irregular |
hardness |
hard |
porosity |
5%; void form: vughy; void length: 0.04-2.2 |
inclusions |
12.5%, length: <0.04-1.4 |
sorting |
moderately sorted sand |
quartz |
very frequent, well rounded - rounded, angular, very spherical - subspherical, subelongate, elonagte, white, grey, clear, reddish, 0.04-1.4 |
mica |
infrequent, spherical, angular, elongate, white, <0.04-0.04 |
reddish inclusions |
riddled with, rounded, very spherical - subspherical, subelongate, very elongate, reddish brown, <0.04-0.6 |
black inclusions |
infrequent, well rounded, spherical - subspherical, very elongate, black, <0.04-0.24 |
| | fabric description | | object data | | archaeometry | | |
vessel form type |
Amphora Gassner 1 |
fragmentation |
rim |
dimensions |
diameter: not id.cm (rim) |
chronology of object |
Greek-Archaic 550-500 B.C.E. |
publication |
Bechtold 2013c, fig. 8,1 pl. 1,6. |
drawing |
Context Data
site of discovery |
Pantelleria Acropolis Excavation |
registration code of context |
PN 09 ACR II 4311 |
registration code of object |
PN 09 ACR II 4311-22 |
chronology of context |
mid 2nd-1st B.C.E. |
| | fabric description | | object data | | archaeometry | | |
sample taken |
2011, by Babette Bechtold, Institute of Classical Archaeology, University of Tübingen |
sample no |
M 119/167 |
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