FACEM - provenience studies on pottery in the central mediterranean


fabric descriptionobject dataarchaeometry
fabric type COR-A-2
ware Transport Amphorae
visual excamination of fresh break ötlich braun, im Kern grünlich grau, h, bricht gratig, dicht, zahlreiche feine bis mittelgroße weiße Partikel, haufig grabe bis sehr grobe rotbraune Partikel, etwas Glimmer
colour of freshly broken section (munsell) 5YR5/6, yellowish red, core:10YR5/2, grayish brown
porosity 7.5%; void form: vughy; void length: 0,04-0,4
inclusions 10%, length: 0,02-1,5
sorting unsorted


quartz infrequent, very angular, spherical, clear; white, 0,6
mica infrequent, angular, spherical, white, 0.02-0.04
calciumcarbonate frequent, subangular, subelongate - elongate, white, 0.08-1,5
reddish inclusions infrequent, angular, spherical, reddish brown, 0,08-0,24
grey inclusions frequent, angular; rounded, spherical - subspherical, dark grey, 0,08-0,8
brown inclusions frequent, angular, subelongate, rusty brown, 0.04-3
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