| | fabric description | | object data | | archaeometry | | |
fabric type |
ware |
Transport Amphorae |
visual excamination of fresh break |
light red, granular; numerous fine white inclusions |
colour of freshly broken section (munsell) |
2.5YR6/8 |
texture of freshly broken surface |
granular |
hardness |
hard |
| | fabric description | | object data | | archaeometry | | |
vessel form type |
Amphora Ramon T- (Nr. 225) |
fragmentation |
rim |
dimensions |
diameter: 14cm (rim) |
surface description |
slipped pale yellow, 2.5Y8/3 |
chronology of object |
LP I |
Context Data
site of discovery |
Velia Insula II, trench 2/91, room 10, level 6 |
registration code of context |
249/91 |
registration code of object |
249/91-28 |
| | fabric description | | object data | | archaeometry | | |
sample taken |
by Hannah Liko, Institute of Classical Archaeology, Vienna University |
sample no |
M 10/52
representative sample for PAN-REG-A-2 |
status of sample |
whole sample available |
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