fabric description | object data | archaeometry |
fabric type | W-SARD-A-1 |
ware |
Transport Amphorae Punic Pottery |
supposed site of production | West Central Sardinia |
visual excamination of fresh break | very pale brown, granular; some fine white inclusions |
colour of freshly broken section (munsell) | 10YR7/3 |
texture of freshly broken surface | granular |
hardness | hard |
porosity | 5%; void form: channel; vughy; void length: 0,04-0,8 |
inclusions | 10%, length: 0,02-0,8 |
sorting | moderately sorted sand |
Inclusions |
quartz | frequent, rounded, spherical - subspherical, clear, 0,08-0,5 |
mica | frequent, angular, spherical, white, 0,02-0,04 |
calciumcarbonate | infrequent, rounded, spherical, white, 0,08-0,2 |
reddish inclusions | frequent, rounded, spherical - subspherical, reddish brown, 0,04-0,2 |
black inclusions | frequent, rounded, spherical - subspherical, black, 0,04-0,4 |
brown inclusions | frequent, rounded - subrounded, spherical - subelongate, rusty brown, core: grey, 0,25-0,8 |
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