| | fabric description | | object data | | archaeometry | | |
fabric type |
ware |
Transport Amphorae |
supposed site of production |
Entella |
certainty of arguments |
archaeometric: quite certain, archaeological: quite certain |
visual excamination of fresh break |
Brown-reddish clay, fine and compact, with very few visible inclusions of whitish colour |
colour of freshly broken section (munsell) |
2.5 YR 5/6 |
texture of freshly broken surface |
fine |
hardness |
hard |
porosity |
void form: vughy; void length: 0.04-0.40 |
inclusions |
length: 0.03-04-0.67 |
sorting |
poorly sorted silt |
quartz |
sporadic, angular; subangular, spherical; subspherical, transparent, 0.08-0.67 |
mica |
frequent/infrequent, angular, spherical; elongate, shiny, 0.02-04-0.08 |
calciumcarbonate |
infrequent, rounded; subrounded, spherical; elongate, whitish/yellowish, 0.08-0.60 |
carbonate pseudomorphoses |
very frequent, well rounded; rounded, very spherical; spherical, whitish/yellowish, 0.03-04-0.20 |
reddish inclusions |
sporadic, rounded; subrounded, spherical; elongate, red, 0.08-0.20 |
| | fabric description | | object data | | archaeometry | | |
vessel form type |
Amphora Western Greek, "a breve tesa" |
fragmentation |
rim |
dimensions |
diameter: 13.2cm (rim) |
surface description |
slipped traces of thick whitish slip inside/outside 2.5 Y 8/1 |
chronology of object |
Greek 330-300 BC? |
publication |
Corretti and Capelli 2003, 302, cat. 59, pl. LVIII |
drawing |
Context Data
site of discovery |
Entella SAS 3 |
registration code of context |
E88- 336-348 |
chronology of context |
late 4th-first half 3rd c. BC |
| | fabric description | | object data | | archaeometry | | |
applied method for sample analysis |
thin section |
analysis author |
Montana/Randazzo |
sample taken |
February 2019, by Alessandro Corretti, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa |
sample no |
M 187/121 |
status of sample |
whole sample available |
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